DevBytes Programmatically accessing Google Sheets via Service Account I was working on automation that involves reading Google Sheets from server side and then writing some values back. Initially this seemed straight forward but led me to waste a couple of hours pursuing the false start of "Domain Wide Delegation" which would allow
Kubernetes Supporting clients that does not support SNI in EKS SNI is something that's been enabled by default for most modern browsers and http clients. It allows us to serve multiple different SSL certs on the same IP address and TCP port. This is incredibly useful for multi tenancy in EKS when used along
DevBytes Improving slow EFS throughput when copying thousands of small files We were in the process of migrating our customers from a private cloud to AWS EKS. During our dry-runs, we noticed Customer A with 21GB worth of files had it transferred in 32 minutes from a local disk in the private cloud to EFS.